Mid-Florida Housing Partnership, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) not for profit located in Daytona Beach, Florida. We serve the communities in Volusia and Flagler Counties. We provide first time homebuyers education classes, HUD certified credit counseling, HUD housing counseling including default counseling, foreclosure counseling, and budget counseling. Our agency provides HUD Fair Housing education and awareness to the communities we serve.
MFHP operates a transitional homeless facility called Palmetto House in Daytona Beach, Florida serving homeless individuals by providing shelter, one meal a day, and counseling to assist the clients with transitioning back into permanent housing.
Check our News & Events page for upcoming training and/or workshops.
MISSION STATEMENT: The specific and primary purposes are the provision of decent affordable housing for lower income persons to expand opportunities available to very low, low and moderate citizens to obtain decent, adequate, affordable housing accommodations; and ….manage and operate business enterprises in economically depressed areas and to raise the economic, education and social levels of those in the community….who are substantially unemployed, underemployed, or whose income is below Federal poverty guidelines or those who are members of the minority, farm workers or deinstitutionalized community in order to foster and promote community-wide interest and concern for the problems of said residents to the end that (A) educational and economic opportunities may be expanded: (B) sickness, poverty, crime and environmental degradation may be lessened: and (C) racial tensions, prejudice and discrimination, economic or otherwise, maybe eliminated.